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Webmistress Jemma

JemmaofftheWeb, also known as Jemma, is transgirly on (or off, since getting stalked by her ex) the web with no standards of what not to share on the Web. She leaves cryptic notes and mystic messages for all to find and interpret. She's a puzzle, like any hot girl. In her free time she enjoys playing guitar, drawing, hanging out with her brother, girlfriend, or friends, and listening to music.
The Sunflower update of her site is the fifth version of the site. She started her site September 29, 2023. It was one of those red/black goth sites.
You can email Jemma at or say hi to her on discord. At the start of each month she takes down all her posts of the last month, so get it while it's hot!
Her friends are all cool asf, check them out: Evie, Geekula, and Rowan.