The Mystic Room

Welcome to the Mystic Room... we've been waiting...
"Who brought you here? Why did you click on me?"
"It's useless I ask these questions, I know the answers. I've touched your minds eye."
"A great awakening is coming"

Amidst the gloom and darkness of life lies a land, a land that one cannot explain. Feint memorys float through the sparkling wild. Is it a digital or real space? Is it ethereal? Its liminal. Its dingey. The fairies fly from old discs, retrieved from the ancient libraries.

What is this?

Am I in my mind?

I feel outside my body.

Theres been a shift.

A break in the road.

My heart feels flat and my energy is dead, but I feel a pull. A pull towards some sort of energy.

A shiver runs down my spine. I sit and feel its reverberating prescence. My headphones echoe noises that can hardly be considered music and transition to a more positive sound. Maybe this postivity will bring me back to reality.
I feel it pulling.
I push it away