
twilight kuromi gay rights trans rights pan I <3 Blinkies Freak Siouxie and the Banshees I wanna go home Evil Bitch Thats miss bitch to you girl power home star ruiner I heart my online friends Like hell trans rights ds piracys delete tiktok

Welcome to my website. I'm Jemma, and I am on the web. This website is a constant, and I mean constant work in progress. Some pages I use to share my path in video games like Tomodachi Life, Pokemon, and Miitopia. Some pages, like the Blog I use to document what music I'm listening to, how I feel, and to get all my thoughts out there on the web for future me and all of you readers. I know its not technically safe to put that much information about one's self out on the internet, but I am literally so boring that nothing bad is going to happen. Trust me here, I am being safe. Other parts of the website, like the Links and Credits pages are to pass all you visitors onto websites that I take or am inspired from. This website started at a time of transition in my life, and a hard time at that, and I am still in times of struggle, but I keep this as a consistent piece of my life and a piece that in years I can look back at. Most of the coding I do on here is done in my free time at home or at school, and I code right out of the Neocities editor usually (which I'll probably change soon). Wait a minute... I've made this about me all about the website. Maybe I should say more about me... I'll do that below, and if you just read the blog you'll know tons about me. I hope you enjoy the site!
For contact you can hit me up on Discord or you can email me at

you should try it over a transgender flag skull faggots only pretty in punk antiques God Bless the Freaks shaved pussy is immoral goth girl self expression is not a crime I <3 Thrift Stores bauhaus fuck your fascist beauty standards strongbadia the free magic happens i am a god vampire wannabe chao club penguin fuck it we ball monster high

Plans for the site:

  • Add music! (this may not be possible, but I tried)
  • Make an email for contact
  • Make an art gallery
  • Add a cool border around these containers
  • Finish site map
  • Add more gifs and figure out placement and shit
  • Make a site template and section of where to download it
  • Make a sweet webring
  • Recode website to be in Frames?
  • Re-organize site files
  • Finish movies page
  • Make Gallery page load faster

Now Playing: Super Princess Peach DS
Now Watching (TV): Abbot Elementary
Now Watching (Movie): Kung Fu Panda 4
Now Listening to: Duane Eddy

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I know nobody asked, but YOU clicked on this about me page so I'm gonna throw out some of my favorite things!

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Favorite Music Artists:

Chuck Berry's Great 28 Album Cover The Donnas' The Donnas Album Cover The Breeders' Last Splash Album Cover

Favorite Books:

Us King City 1-800 Mice

Favorite Games Right Now:

Tomodachi Life Minecraft Super Princess Peach DS

Favorite Movies:

Scott Pilgrim movie poster Mallrats movie poster Blues Brothers Movie Poster

(A few of my) Favourite Pokemon:

Simipour Roserade Emboar Primarina Gumshoos Meganium Primeape
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