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I wanna watch TV real badd

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Quilted her personality blankets the web, her sunflower soul shining.

blog - Seventeen

I often find myself yearning to be home, occasionally even when I am. Right now, and possibly the rest of the day will be like this. I'm really excited to hang out with my friend, but I'm also yearning to be home. Once I am home I'm gonna have work I must do, and this will last me quite a while and I'll be too tired to take part in activities I'd like to by the time I'm done. Instead I'll probably do my little workout (gotta stay snatched and such). Then I might watch an episode of AP Bio or two. I really want to finish watching the last episodes of Serial Expiriments Lain, which I've been going crazy about. Friday I watched the first half of the anime (about four episodes), but then decided to slow down as I wanted to savor something so good. I am excited though to hang out with my friend. I'm also really happy with how the site is right now. It feels more me than ever (which is what I've said almost every update). That doesn't discredit it though. I am ever evolving and ever growing. I allow myself to change, and it is beautiful. Anyways, that's enough garbage talk. I've got life to live and things to do (and hopefully soon) TV to watch. Byeee webjems!!

-Jemma, 3/2/25

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