Welcome to the Elvis Presley Fanpage. Before we get into this, I understand Elvis was a horrible person and all of the awful things he did, but this is dedicated purely to him as an icon of rock n roll performing (not song writer or originator or anything), icon of 1950s-70s teen and normal culture, and a cutie patootie.
I'm a really big fan of these three albums in particular for multiple reasons. Live On Stage in Memphis is one of my favorites because it was my first Elvis album I really got into. I got it for free from a record store because they were going to throw it out, and it really made me appreciate Elvis as a performer and brought him to life for me seeing as it was live. It also brought the old fan base of Elvis to life for me making me believe he was once popular (and still is amongst mostly the elderly I assume).
Almost In Love is also one of my favorites because it shows a different era of Elvis, one that you don't really think of. He's funkier, older, but still doing his thing. I also really life the song A Little Less Conversation because of it's energy, and this is where it came out.
Lastly I really like Elvis's Golden Records Vol. 3 because it's less heard of hits of his from the fifties. I'm not saying his big hits are bad, but holy shit the song Little Sister hits so hard!!