Pokemon Card Strategies

This page I am going to use to document different pokemon card strategies I've come up with or come across in my time. Probably not gonna have full decks on here, but its just for fun and documentation.

Grass 2 Strategy

I call this the Grass 2 strategy because thats what I named the deck when I made it. You can use the Pacharisu to get the evolutions and basics for Rillaboom and Venusaur, and use Rare Candy to skip the middle evolutions, and then the Rillaboom gets two grass energy attatched to the Venusaur or Rillaboom making it (if you have both of them out) ready to go because of Venusaur's ability. If you feel like being fun you can use the banned card Forest of Giant Plants to evolve in one turn.

Rillaboom pokemon card pacharisu pokemon card venusaur pokemon card forest of giant plants pokemon card

Spinirak Switch

This strategy I just used Jumpluff because its the only pokemon I had with that switch thing for cheap energy, and the Spinirak can poison the oponent and not yourself every turn, switching out your oponent's pokemon every turn poisoning each of their pokemon. Then you throw the Seviper on top and it speeds up the process.

Jumpluff pokemon card Ariados pokemon card Seviper pokemon card