
Hey! You found the articles page! These are all some pretty cool articles that I think are worth checking out.

Mall Goth Diary: A rambley tumblr post about being a 2000s mall goth

Scene and the Seen: A very good article on the Goth scene and culture

Making Art: Blog post about making art and graphic design.

Your Art Is Unappealing (and thats okay): A cool little article about art posting

The Low Tech Manifesto: The Low Tech Manifesto

The Indie Web Manifesto: The Indie Web Manifesto

Intro to the Web Revival: Make your own website!

The First Neocities Blogpost

The Issue With Stealing On Neocities: Interesting article for new coders like myself

Addiction to Technology: Relatable thoughts on technology addiction

A bunch of good reading

The February 15 Collection